Hog waterer mod

I picked up one of these 100 gallon stock tanks recently after Wayne of Green Acres Farm recommended them.  I had a bit of trouble getting the float to work right in the hog trough, but once I got that straightened out it seems to work just fine.


The only problem was that it’s just too darn low to the ground.  All the market-weight hogs have to kneel down and shuffle up to the drinker on their knees.  This leads to them wallowing out a big spot to stand right in front of the waterer.  In one case they nearly dug a big enough hole to have the entire tank tip over into it.

So it needs to be a bit higher, and it really could stand to be easier to move.

Enter a few used 6″x6″ posts and a couple of L-brackets.


The L-brackets hold the 6×6 skids to the bottom of the stock tank, with a couple 4×4’s tying the skids together.
I added a pair of big eye-bolts to make it all easy to pull around with the ATV.


The pigs seem to enjoy not having to grovel for their water anymore. It’s also much harder for them to tip over when it’s getting empty. Big skids = low center of gravity.



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